Sunday, September 1, 2013

Jot Magazine - Issue #2 is now available!

Just a little plug for Jot Magazine Issue #2 which can now be seen and read here!

I have some layouts in the Storytelling, Speech Bubbles and 5pm galleries. You will notice clickable links in the descriptions of my Speech Bubbles and 5pm layouts, you can follow them and they will direct you to the Jot Blog, on there I have some step by steps on how I made the layouts :)

Grab a cuppa and enjoy!

Before I leave I want to wish my lovely husband a Happy 1st Fathers Day, my little girl is so very lucky to have him as a Daddy! 

Picture was captured this morning, my new fave I think, xxx


  1. Hope you guys enjoyed your first fathers day :)

  2. Great issue this month.
    And woot woot, Cover Girl for SM this month. Loved seeing Miss Cs face on the cover....too cute.
